商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:springautumn123.qy6.com 薯蓣皂苷_南京市玄武区贾新林生物试剂经营部
联系人: 女士 (业务员)
电 话:025-66113315
手 机:13770785619
















【旋光度】:-115°(C=0.373, 乙醇)


【鉴定方法】:Mass, NMR


【分析方法】:HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSD


【提取来源】:薯蓣科植物穿龙薯蓣Dioscorea Nipponica。


English Name:Dioscin

English alias:


Molecular Formula:C45H72O16

Molecular Weight:869.05

Molecular structure:

Appearance:White powder


Identification method:Mass, NMR

Analysis method:HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSD


Rotation:-115°(C=0.373, ethanol)

Solubility:Insoluble in water, petroleum ether, benzene, soluble in methanol, ethanol,

acetic acid, slightly soluble in acetone, amyl alcohol.

Extraction Source:Dioscorea Nipponica.

Usage:For the determination and identification, pharmacological experiments.

Storage:4℃Refrigerated, sealed, dark.

Expiration:2 years

Package:20mg, 50mg, 100mg, 1g, 10g, 100g, 1kg, 50kg... The company can provide a large

number of high-purity Dioscin according to customer requirements.

Pharmacological effect:Anti-tumor, anti-thrombotic, anti-allergic, anti-viral and anti-shock. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-viral, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, molluscicidal, anti-fertility and other effects. It can be used for the treatment of bronchitis. Which contains peroxide decomposing enzyme, has a significant anti-aging effect. It can remove scar on the face, and let the skin soft lubrication. It can be used as raw materials of steroid hormones and contraceptives.

Quality certificates and identification reports will go along with the goods. Our company has a R & D team composed by experienced natural products chemist and plant taxonomists, and specialized in the extraction and separation of chemical composition from herbs. The company is major in producing high purity natural products suitable of pharmacological screening or structural modification for customs who are engaged in new drug research and development. We can also provide bulk level (kg) customization services. We have strict production process and perfect quality control standards to ensure product quality and stability; comprehensive inventory and supply system make all products being in stock.

Quality commitment:If the product has quality problems, returns and replacement for any

reason will be accepted.

女士 (业务员)  
电  话: 025-66113315
传  真:
移动电话: 13770785619
公司地址: 中国江苏南京市江苏省南京市胜利村路2号金陵生物科技技术产业园C1004室
邮  编: 210014
公司主页: http://springautumn123.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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南京市玄武区贾新林生物试剂经营部 公司地址:中国江苏南京市江苏省南京市胜利村路2号金陵生物科技技术产业园C1004室
女士 (业务员) 电话:025-66113315 传真:
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